Challenge: Sidefari

The iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro support multitasking, running two apps side by side. Apps need to be built with this support. One drawback to the iPad multitasking is that you can not run two instances of the same app side by side. Consequently, you cannot have two webpages open together using system apps.

Enter Sidefari, a simple app built to run on the iPad with multitasking enabled to have to websites open next to each other.

The home screen of Sidefari has a textfield for entering a URL, a Past Clipboard button that pastes whatever the user has copied (for copying and pasting URLs quickly into Sidefari). The home screen also uses a UITableView to list the history of sites launched using Sidefari.

When the user taps Enter when editing the text field, the application launches an instance of SafariViewController initialized to the URL in the text field.

Build Sidefari.