Hashtag Search

Hashtag support

  • Build a Restaurant model object with name, streetAddress, city, state, and reviews properties.
  • Build a Review model object with a username and text property.
  • Instantiate an array of Restaurant and Review objects. Make sure that each Restaurant object holds an array of reviews. Add hashtags to some of your reviews or restaruant descriptions. (Use Yelp or Google to help you come up with Restaurants and Reviews)
  • Add a hashtags computed property to the Restaurant object that returns an array of any hashtags in the Restaurant or Review.
  • Check your computed property by printing a list of hashtags of each review and restaurant.


  • Add a SearchableObject protocol with one function matchesSearchTerm(searchTerm: String).
  • Implement the function on both model objects.
  • Demonstrate your search by printing a list of Restaurants that match a variety of search terms.